Monday, November 29, 2010
Scrambled egg with tomato

Sunday, November 28, 2010
We had turkey, ham, chicken n noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, corn, candied sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, broccoli salad, a cheese ball (that I made), homemade bread, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, raspberry cheesecake, rhubarb pie, some sort of berry pie, and mincemeat pie. We had sooo many leftovers but the good thing about that is that we got to take them home and eat them the next day!
The sweet potatoes (above and below...and yes, those are actually my grandma's) rocked as usual and remain my favorite food as well as my aunt’s. There was only one bowl this year so my aunt and I strategically placed it in front of us. We fought over the leftovers later though!
After eating, we let our food digest and then it was Aggravation time! We played 5 games and I was out to kill! I sabotaged my fellow players as often as I could and in return they sabotaged me. I got a first, 3 seconds, and a fourth (out of 6 players).
After Aggravation, we just sat around and talked and told stories til almost midnight.
I can’t wait to do it all again for Christmas!
P.S. – I couldn’t find my sister on tv in the Macy’s parade.
Twice Baked Potatoes

This year Thanksgiving was a great time. I had way too much food but it was way worth it. We had everything you can think of ham, turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, rolls, pumpkin pie, apple pie, and pecan pie. The whole day I was eating. But I’m not going to talk about my Thanksgiving traditions because I already have. I’m going to talk about what my family likes to make with the leftovers.
We like to have just regular leftovers the day after because we don’t want to make anything new. But the next night we usually have twice baked potatoes. I really like them because they are something different that I don’t get to have very often.
Here is a quick and easy recipe for twice baked potatoes:
· 6 large potatoes
· 2 cups of ham (diced)
· 3 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
First put the potatoes in the oven at 350 degrees and bake them for 30 minutes or until soft. Next take the potatoes out and take the insides out and make mashed potatoes. Remember to keep the shell from the actual potato you’ll need it later. After you are done making the mashed potatoes mix in the ham and cheese. Once everything is evenly mixed takes the potato shells and fill them with the mashed potato mixture and add some cheese to the top of the potato. Then stick the potatoes back in the oven at 350 degrees and bake the potatoes until the cheese on top is melted. After all this enjoy a great meal that doesn’t involve much clean up.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because 1) I get to eat and 2) I get to see my family.
We always have Thanksgiving at my grandma’s house. She is the greatest cook I know. Everything she makes is delicious! My mom can make one of my grandma's recipes and do everything exactly how she does it but it still tastes better when grandma makes it.
My favorite thing that my grandma makes for Thanksgiving is her candied sweet potatoes. They are amazing! I could eat like 5 pounds of them! Me and one of my aunts always fight over who is going to sit in front of the bowl of sweet potatoes. I usually win but my grandma is getting smarter and she now makes two bowls.
We usually eat Thanksgiving lunch and then just hang out the rest of the day snacking on leftovers sporadically. One of our family’s favorite things to do is play Aggravation. I usually play with my dad, sister, cousin, and some of my uncles.

Aggravation is kind of like Trouble but with marbles and dice. (They have a new version of it now but my family has the really old original version.) I know it sounds kind of lame but we have a lot of fun and the games get really intense. They take hours to play because every two seconds someone gets bumped back to home.
I love Thanksgiving and I can’t wait for Saturday!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My Favorite Steak

My favorite kind of steak is a nice 12 to 16oz rib eye steak. I like to have it grilled medium rare to medium and have my own seasoning on it. The taste is just so good I can't even explain. I don't get to have a good steak very often so when I do I enjoy it very much.
The best steak I have ever had was from a family friend. He owns his own butcher shop in Newburgh, IN and I knew that the steak was very fresh and good. When he grilled the steak he didn't have a normal grill he had a wood chip grill. The taste was amazing so many flavors. I don't know what kind of seasoning he used but it tasted so good.
I suggest if you know someone who owns their own butcher shop that you become good friends with them. Not only to they grill really good steaks they also have great cookouts that you will never go hungry at. Also they will bring you free steaks and steak rub when you ask for it. Just a little help if you want great quality meat
Top Five Frozen Pizzas

I know I already wrote a post about frozen pizzas and what I like most. But, I did not explain how good they were or why I liked them so much. I would like to give you a list of my top five favorite frozen pizzas and explain why I like them so much.
- DiGiorno- This is my favorite frozen pizza because when you make it tastes just like you went to a pizza place and bought a pizza.
- Red Barron- is a very good thin crust pizza. When you pull it out of the oven it is very nice and crispy and the right amount of cheese, sauces, and toppings.
- Tombstone- This is a good pizza. It is moderately cheap and the taste is just okay. I think that they need to add more spices to the pizza and it would make it much better.
- Frechetta- this is a good pizza nice thick crust but not as good as others. They do not have very many choices to choose from.
- Jack's- Jack's is a pizza that I choose when I don't have much money. It's a very cheap pizza you can tell by the way it tastes. This pizza tastes like flavored cardboard.
Boiled Fish Filets

Boiled Fish Filets is mainly a pot of fish filets in hot chili oil originated from Sichuan. I have been crazy about this cuisine since a long time ago. I made several sttempts to cook the fish but never succeeded. I didn't know how restaurants made the fish filets so tender and made the oil soup so clear. What I cooked was a bowl of tough fish meat in turbid soup. After many failures I gave up trying.
Recently, I have seen a post talking about how to cook Boiled Fish Filets and the pictures are really tempting. The whole procedures are almost the same as mine. The only difference is I lacked a step of boiling in oil before boiling in soup. Inspired by the post, I tried again.
Here are my new procedures:
Cut 350 grams of fish into big filets;
Add half egg white and two spoons of corn flour and stir to mix well with the fish (the mixture should cover the surface of fish filets. If the egg white is too much, big protein bubbles would be produced when boiling in oil);
Stir-fry 500 grams of bean sprouts with a little salt (time should be controlled to make sure the bean sprouts are half raw);
Then the most important step is pouring oil that is enough to cover all fish filets into a pot and boiling until it fumes, after that put the fish filets in the pot;
Fish out the fish filets from oil and transfer to the bean sprouts bowl;
Scatter a large amount of peppers and other spicy seasonings on the fish;
Pour a pot of boiling water to the fish bowl and add some beef soup bases (the soup should be very salty because there isn't any salt in the fish).
After that it's well done. The feature of this cuisine is spicy. If you cannot eat too spicy, one way is to prepare a bowl of clear water and clean the spicy fish in the water before eating.

My sandwich was about 3 inches long and was mostly bread. There was hardly any chicken on there! AND I barely got any fries.
But I wasn’t the only one who got ripped off. My dad ordered an 8 inch sub and my boyfriend ordered a 10 inch sub. They were the same size! And again, my dad’s barely had anything on it. My mom and dad ordered the same size french fries. My mom got a ton and my dad barely got any! The whole meal pissed me off.
I wrote them an email describing what happened and saying that I was thoroughly disappointed, and all they said back was something to the effect of: We’re sorry for your experience at this one particular location and we want you to know that this is quite out of the ordinary because we have set sizes for things and the branch managers know this.
I didn’t even get a free meal! I will never go back to that particular Penn Station ever again.
And last time I went to Taco Bell…

My boyfriend ordered the XXL Chalupa. I had never seen one before and was curious as to exactly how massive they really are. He opened it up and it just looked like a regular chalupa to me. He was mad that this one was so small, but we had already driven away and there was nothing we could do about it.
I don’t know what can be done to work on consistency of portions, but SOMETHING needs to be done. It’s not cool going to a restaurant one time and having a filling meal, then going to that same restaurant another time and still being hungry afterwards.
This post was not meant to make people stop eating at these particular restaurants; I just wanted to get my point across.
Marshmallow Creme

I first had it at my grandma’s house when I was really little. I told my grandma I was hungry and she asked me if I wanted a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. I didn’t even know what that was but she assured me that it was delicious and made me one.
It was love at first bite! The peanut butter and marshmallow were the perfect combination! Better than peanut butter and jelly! I can't even explain why. It's just something you have to try for yourself. I’ve been hooked ever since.
So next time you’re at the grocery, I advise you to pick up a jar!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
S'mores Goldfish

I was shocked to find out that they were actually graham crackers (which now that I think about it, it makes sense)! There are chocolate graham crackers, honey graham crackers, and marshmallows (like the kind in Lucky Charms), all shaped like fish.
I decided that they were pretty good, but I’ll probably never buy them again. There are plenty of other snacks that I would much rather have. They kind of tasted like cereal (again, Lucky Charms because of the marshmallows).
S'mores Goldfish cost $2.19 for a 6.6 oz. bag (at least where I got them).
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thanksgiving Dinner at the Dining Halls
But I was wrong! It was great! Walking in the door of the dining hall, there was a massive line and the smell of turkey and rolls wafting through the air (which made me even more excited). We made it through the line, found a table, and got in line to get food.
They had everything! They had roasted turkey, glazed ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green beans, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, pumpkin pie, apple crisp, pecan bars, and apple cider (cold and hot) from a local farm.
I had roasted turkey, mashed potatoes (no gravy), corn, stuffing, sweet potatoes, a roll, pumpkin pie, and cold apple cider. Everything tasted delicious, homemade! I was totally expecting it to taste like cafeteria food but it was almost as good as my grandma’s (I said almost)!
The turkey was very juicy. The mashed potatoes had a good buttery flavor. The corn was ok. The stuffing was pretty good. It actually tasted a lot like my mom’s. The sweet potatoes were ok (this is my favorite Thanksgiving food so I’m going to be a little critical about it). They had a little too much honey and not enough brown sugar. The roll was pretty good. I like mine a little doughier though. The pumpkin pie was pretty good. And the apple cider was really good, almost as good as the stuff from the orchard by my house! I was soo full and sooo sleepy afterwards. I felt like I couldn’t move (just like real Thanksgiving)!
Another thing that I liked about this dinner was the atmosphere. It felt very warm and happy and peaceful in there. Everyone was just talking and laughing and having a good time. It felt like a Thanksgiving with friends! There were even people dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians!
I had a really nice time and I will definitely be going to this again next year and every year that I am here at Purdue!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Munchies - Part 2
Cherry Limeade at Taco Bell

As far as the taste of the Limeade part of the Cherry Limeade goes, it was pretty good. I definitely think that Sonic’s is better though.
Store Bought Chocolate
This post is going to list store bought chocolate from best to worst. This excludes candy bars such as Snickers, Reese’s, etc.
The best: Chocolate boxes such as Russell Stover or Whitman’s – Assorted chocolate boxes are my favorite thing to get for Valentine’s Day or just as surprises. Russell Stover and Whitman’s are good because the chocolate is smooth and creamy and the things that they are filled with are of high quality too. Plus, with the assorted boxes, you get to try a lot of different flavors and textures.

Dove chocolate – Dove chocolate is also a very smooth, creamy chocolate. It is a better quality than Hershey’s and you can taste that difference. Dove also has a variety of chocolate from milk chocolate to dark chocolate to chocolate with almonds etc.

The worst: Palmers chocolate is disgusting. Don’t buy it. EVER! It doesn’t even taste like chocolate. It tastes very waxy.
So there ya have it! Store bought chocolate from best to worst!
Word of the Day: creamy
Breakfast Burritos
Almost every Sunday after church during the summer my dad would make his famous breakfast burritos for breakfast. They are one of my favorite breakfast foods I have ever had. He makes them so well and with ease. The cool part about the burritos is that my dad never writes down his recipe it’s all in his head. I have learned the recipe for the most part from just watching him make them time and time again. This is a fast and fairly simple meal and doesn’t require much clean up.
Here’s the recipe that I follow when I make the burritos:
· 1 pound of sausage
· 8 large eggs
· ½ tomatoe diced
· ½ green pepper diced
· 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
· 4 jalapeño diced finely
First brown the sausage and add the eggs in after the sausage is browned. Once the eggs and sausage are done cooking add everything else in at the same time. Cook on medium heat for about ten minutes allowing all the flavors to mix and the cheese to melt. After everything is mixed and cooked thourghly take a warm tortilla and enjoy the breakfast!
Every year my church puts on a big Jambalaya dinner around Mardi Gras. It always is a big hit with everyone in town. A lot of people even come from out of town just to try our famous Jambalaya. During the dinner you are entertained with music played by the church band and friendly waiters and waitresses. The dinner is mainly put on around the history of Jambalaya and Mardi Gras.
Jambalaya originated in southern Louisiana by the Cajuns around the bayou where food was scarce. The word Jambalaya is a compound word of Jambon from the French meaning ham, and aya meaning rice in Africa. Many people believe that Jambalaya originated from the Spanish Paella which also has transformed in the United States as a dish called Spanish rice. Jambalaya is a bit different many times as it includes seafood, ham, link sausage, and chicken. But, most people have their own recipe for their own favorite Jambalaya mix.
What my church does for the dinner is we just add the chicken and the linked sausage and it tastes just great. Every year we always have a full house of excited guests that want to try the amazing Jambalaya and share good times with friends and family.
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Here at the dining courts, they have a variety of cheesecake. Sometimes they just have plain cheesecake that you can put strawberries, cherries, or caramel topping on. Other times, they have flavored cheesecake like pumpkin cheesecake.
Although this cheesecake is good, no cheesecake is as good as my grandma’s. I don’t know why, but food that my grandma makes always tastes better than everyone else’s food. Unfortunately, she is getting older and gets tired easily, so she stopped making it and just sticks to pies for dessert.
Surprisingly enough, Fazoli's actually has pretty good cheesecake. They have several different kinds. My favorite is the chocolate cheesecake with chocolate chips. The turtle is also good.
Now that I eat cheesecake more often, I have come to appreciate it more and would consider it to be one of my new favorite desserts!
Word of the Day: gouda
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
College Dining Courts
The main problem with it is that the dining courts don't change the meals up very much. It is always the same things every week and it is just getting old. Like for instance the foo court that I go to a lot they have pizza and cheeseburgers every single day. Why not change it up a bit? I know I'm not the only one who notices that there isn't much of a choice.
It's not that the food isn't good it's that they leave the food sitting out under heating lamps and either the lamps don't work properly and the food is cold or that the lamps dry the food out and therefore mot tasting very well.
What I think the dining courts should do is change it up a bit and have more choices for the students to choose from and not make the same thing every single day. Also find a way to keep the food warm without drying everything out and loosing the flavor.
Mint and Chocolate

I also just recently tried the mint M&M’s. At first I thought they were a little disappointing. I wasn’t expecting them to be so crunchy. After eating a couple though, I decided that I liked them and I actually couldn’t stop eating them!
One mint/chocolate candy combination that I’m not so fond of is York Peppermint Patties. They’re ok, but they’re definitely not my first choice. In other words, I wouldn’t turn one down if someone just handed it to me (unless it was given to me by a suspicious character). (The mint M&M’s actually kind of reminded me of a crunchy York Peppermint Patty at first.) And then there is the mint Three Musketeers. I like them better than York Peppermint Patties (and regular Three Musketeers), but they wouldn’t be something I would choose if I wanted to buy a candy bar somewhere.
At the dining courts on campus, they sometimes have mint brownies and mint cookies. The brownies are chocolate brownies with green mint icing. They are pretty good. The brownie is fairly moist and the icing has the perfect amount of mint flavoring. The cookies however aren’t so good. They look like the Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies (which I LOVE!), but they’re not. They are dry and the mint flavor isn’t very strong.
If anyone has any delicious mint and chocolate recipes, send them my way!
Word of the Day: bliss
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Frozen Pizza

Here at college I have had the opportunity to try many kinds of new frozen pizzas. I have become very fond of some and not so fond of others. I eat frozen pizzas a lot since they are quick and easy meal and there isn't much to them. What I like about these pizzas is there isn't much to clean up after just wipe up the counter space and then you are done.
My favorite brand of frozen pizza is DiGorno because it is a really good pizza and it doesn't taste like cardboard like some of the frozen pizzas I have tried like Jack's. Those pizzas are very thin and seem like they are made of cardboard and don't have a very good taste.
Red Baron pizza is not a bad brand but still does not match up to DiGorno but it comes in a close second place. Then tombstone and finally Tony's. Those are my top four frozen pizzas that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a good easy meal if you don't want to cook or make a huge mess in the kitchen.
What to Eat When You Have the Munchies?
And why do these things taste so good? Well I’m not exactly sure, but when I’m high, I am definitely more aware of my body and how I feel.
I really like crunchy things, chocolaty things, cheesy things... The Double Stuf Oreos are good because they’re chocolaty AND crunchy (always get the Double Stuf ones cause they have more cream filling than the regular ones and everyone knows that the cream is the best part). The chocolate Donettes are good because they’re chocolaty. The tea is a recent thing, but I am now addicted (cold tea, especailly Arizona). I get goosebumps every time I talk about it. Sour Melon Powerade also goes well with the taste of Mary Jane. Chips are good, again, because they are crunchy and sometimes cheesy. And I also like pizza…and lots of other stuff...
If you feel like driving (which you probably shouldn’t do), I suggest going to Taco Bell or Steak n Shake. Steak n Shake is open 24 hours and Taco Bell is open til about 1:00 am. At Steak n Shake, I like to get a turkey club with cheese fries and a mint Oreo milkshake. The turkey club has turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. At Taco Bell, I like to get a chicken quesadilla, cheesy fiesta potatoes, and a pina colada frutista freeze.
My friend and I bought Pop Rocks because we thought they’d feel weird in our mouths, but neither of us can remember we have them (probably because we’re under the influence). Yesterday, she finally remembered she had them, so she tried em'. She said it sounded like a thunderstorm in her mouth and she felt like she was in a rainstorm and that it was soo cool.
So next time you have the munchies, try some of these foods and if you have any suggestions on other things to eat, I'd love to hear what they are!
This post is dedicated to Proposition 19. I’m sorry that you didn’t get passed. Please try again in 2012. And people! VOTE YES!
Word of the Day: brownies

It is getting to be that time of year again. When everyone is making plans for Thanksgiving. I have to say that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because of the endless supply of food that my family makes. Everyone in my family has some sort of job to help prepare for the special day.
For my dad and I we have the honor of deep frying the turkey. We have discovered that this is the best way for us to cook it because all we have to do is bring the cooking oil to the right temperature and place the turkey in there for 45 minutes (3 minutes per pound). So we just sit in the barn and just hang out while everyone else is making the rest of the feast.
My mom, grandma, and sister are in charge of the desserts and stuffing and potatoes. They make all kinds of desserts from Pecan Pie to cookies. My favorite thing they make is my grandmas Pecan Pie. She makes the best Pecan Pie. I don't know how she doe it because it's her secret recipe.
My brothers are in charge of pealing the potatoes and apples for my mom grandma and sister. They don't do much but they don't mind either cause they would rather be doing something else anyway. Sometimes one of my brothers will come out to the barn with my dad and I and just sit with us but not for the whole time.
After everything is done comes my favorite part EATING everything. The key to not getting full fast is to take it slow don't scarf down the food like a wild animal. This way you get as much as you can eat and not be hungry for a day and a half. The next best thing to Thanksgiving day is the couple days after with all the leftovers. You are eating like a king for a couple days after Thanksgiving is the best because you don't really have to dirty the kitchen for anything special because the meal is already made.
Thanksgiving has it's ups and downs more ups than downs. The worst thing is cleaning up after the meal. All I like to do after a great meal is sit there and relax and watch some football but, most times I can't do that due to cleaning. I shouldn't complain about it because when my whole family helps out we knock it out pretty darn quick. After that everyone relaxes for the next two days.