You may think that my favorite kind of candy is something chocolaty because I talk about chocolate so much, but you’d be wrong. My favorite candy is actually Smarties. I actually love all candy that is that kind of texture/consistency. I love Bottle Caps, candy necklaces, those little Lego block candies, the sticks in Fun Dips (which I think they need to sell on their own). Not so much Sweet Tarts though because of their tartness.
It’s kind of hard to explain why I like them so much. I like the fact that they’re sweet and they crunch and turn kind of powdery as you chew them. I don’t know…the flavor tastes good to me. Especially the coke and root beer flavored Bottle Caps.

My favorite chocolate candy is definitely Reese’s Fast Breaks. They are better than just Reese’s cups because you feel like you get more with the candy bar instead of two cups (I don’t know if you do or not) and they have more flavors and textures than just regular Reese’s. (If you haven’t noticed, I’m big on the texture of my food.)

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