Some people think that "Their food can't be any good. I've never heard of any of these brands!" Well just because they don't have name brands doesn't mean that the food isn't good. I've tried tons of stuff from there and I rarely find things that aren't as good as name brand foods. I will say that I don't like their chocolate syrup as good as Hershey's or their chicken dumplings in a can (I don't think that would be good even if it was name brand. Why we bought it in the first place, I'll never know!)
AND If you look at some of the packaging it will even say that is it distributed by a name brand company. The only difference is the packaging. Take their ketchup for example: I don't know what is says on the front, but if you read the back it says something like "Distributed by Heinz".
You can't get everything at Aldi, but you can get a lot. After getting what I can at Aldi, I head over to Walmart and pick up the rest (where I live they're right next to each other anyway). Some say "Why make two stops?" Well I can bet you that even if you have to drive across the street for the rest of your groceries, you'll save more money than if you just went to Walmart or Krogers or where ever you like to shop.
So take my advice and check out Aldi. Here's the website if you want to find one near you: www.aldifoods.com
Aldi Fun Facts: The first Aldi store opened in Southeastern Iowa in 1976. It only carried 500 items. Today there are over 1,000 Aldi stores in 31 states. They carry over 1,400 items.
Aldi Motto: "Honest to goodness savings."
Word of the day: delectable
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