But what are some good snacks to send? Poptarts, Capri Suns, and Goldfish Crackers are some of my personal favorites. If you're a health freak, send raisins. Whether your kid eats them or not is another story. Note: Stay away from anything that needs to be refrigerated and if it's one of the hotter months, avoid things such as chocolate (but if it's not too hot outside, then by all means, SEND CHOCOLATE!...I like M&M's).
Other things that are tasty include: popcorn (perfect for movie nights) and microwavable macaroni cups. If you're feelin' cliche, you could send your kid ramen noodles, but they're most likely already sick of em. If you're feelin' crazy you could send something homemade. I don't care how much better college dining hall food is compared to high school cafeteria food, nothin' beats home cooked goodies!
Another idea (more for the types of students who like to cook/bake and have access to a kitchen): send measured out ingredients so that they can make cookies or brownies! My boyfriend's mom sent ingredients for a pie and it turned out beautifully! Unfortunately, it was really hot and the door to the kitchenette was hard to open. Needless to say, it fell on the floor...and I cried.
Non-related things that are nice to receive: money (maybe quarters for the laundry room), photos, nice letters, goofy toys, magazine subscriptions (I like Cosmo), money (Dear mom, Please send money. I miss you!)
Tips: Finals week is a really awesome time to receive a package.
If this blog doesn't inspire you to mail your kid a package, then nothing will.
Word of the Day: smorgasbord
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