Note to elderly people: Bit-O-Honeys suck! Those stupid little peanut butter-ish candies that are in the orange or black wrappers and kind of taste like Bit-O-Honeys SUCK! Pay Days suck (the candy that is)! Adults like em', but kids HATE nuts! Black licorice sucks! Butterscotch and cinnamon hard candies suck! AND, I'm sorry if this offends you, but candy corn SUCKS!
Here's another thing. "Treats" that aren't candy suck. We don't want stickers or pencils. We want candy! Which reminds me...
Dear dentist that used to live in the neighborhood that I went trick-or-treating in when I was a kid,
I know that the only reason you gave out pencils is because candy rots your teeth. But come on buddy! Think of it this way. You are a dentist. It is Halloween. People give out candy for Halloween. Candy gives kids cavities. When kids get cavities, they have to go to the dentist and get fillings. That costs money. More kids with cavities equals more money that parents have to pay the dentist. Candy = Cavities = MORE MONEY FOR YOU! What were you thinking giving out pencils?!?
Soo...When shopping for candy to give to your trick-or-treaters, take my suggestions from this blog into consideration. If you don't, then your house and your car may get egged. Just sayin'.
P.S. - This blog totally reminds me of It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
Word of the Day: horseradish
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