Well here's why:
Restaurants want as much business as they can get and what is a good way to bring in customers? By adding newer, trendier dishes to their menus. When they add new dishes to their menus, it only makes sense that they would have to take something else off. If they left everything on the menu, it would become extremely lengthy and overwhelming. Also, there would be too many things for the cooks to have to remember how to make. So usually what happens is that the restaurant retires old or unpopular dishes.

And Texas Roadhouse...oh how I love your rolls and sweet butter. I used to go there a lot with my grandparents...until they took my grandma's favorite dish off of the menu. ( I can't even remember what it was...something with pork I think.) Now I don't get to go there as often.
How do restaurants determine what the "unpopular" dishes are? I'd like to know because I'm sick of looking forward to getting something only to find out that it doesn't exist anymore. If you have any ideas on how they decide this, let me know.
Word of the Day: guava
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