Saturday, December 11, 2010

Non-Pathogenic Gelatinous Mold

So I was drinking my Arizona tea the other day and I noticed something floating in my cup (ew). This was the second time that this had happened to me. I wasn’t sure what it was or if it was harmful, and it definitely weirded me out, so I googled “What’s that stuff floating in my Arizona tea?” And you would be surprised with how many results came up.

The first one I read said that it was some sort of preservative powder and that if you stirred it or shook it, it would go away. Well I shook it and nothing happened. It was still floating in my tea. Wtf?

The next one I read said that it was actually a mold (which is what I thought it might be) that grows when the bottle loses its air tight seal. It said it is a non-pathogenic gelatinous mold that won’t harm you if you drink it. EW! That was in my tea!

I noticed that this only happens when I’m at the bottom of the jug, like the last 2 cups. If I pour a cup and see mold, I just pour it out. You’d think this would gross me out so bad that I’d never wanna drink Arizona tea ever again, but you’re wrong. I love my Arizona tea so much that I will still buy it! I might just start buying the cans though instead of the gallon jugs.

(This is my final post. So long and farewell. It has been interesting.)

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